Thursday, April 27, 2006

dont under estimate the power of intention and a mullet

how do you know if you intention is strong enough? well did you get what you wanted? if you didnt then there you go. its easy to figure out. "all pain is asking for a correction" gary acevedo. it just took me a few years to figure it out.

when you put your hand in the fire the pain says go in another direction. another simple concept from the main man GA. simple to say hard to do.

did 3 hrs today and just rode home its 1145 pm a coyote tried jumping me down on the main road near the oaks turn off. i guess my lights look like deer eyes. the sum bitch jumped into my front wheel. good thing i was going like 7 mph. i thought it was a cougar.

some call it hair farmer, dont under estimate the power of a mullet, new kicks or new skids. gotta go with the conti dura skin for the long haul.
i got these bad boys at the swap last week for 20 bux, so i said give me 20 pairs and dropped 4 bills on shoes. snap dog.
nike carnerso carbon mtn shoes. word.


sold like $4000 online today, sweet now i can go to vegas on the way to cali. art says i can give him the cash and he will kick me in the balls instead. maybe i'll skip vegas.

oh ya and art owes me 20 bones for smashing this barrier tonight on my road bike, next to the zoo, i just made him some money so kick it down.

i had to tow my old van over to toms to get it fixed dale towed me down I15 at 55mph while i steered it. all went well.

i got some of these xtr V brake shifter levers for $150 bux a set brand new, dale scored me access to about 100 pairs so buy it now from the husla.

this was me before i got jumped by wile E coyote. im not so pretty anymore.

yo momma is so fat she made the cd player skip.......

at the radio station.

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