Wednesday, August 02, 2006

the pink dude at starbucks

i dont go to starbucks, i dont drink coffee. i drink mtn dew. but anyway i was over by wild oats tonight and met up with my long lost buddy.

he let me take a picture of his bike.

well tomorrow is huckin some deer valley double black diamonds, today i sat on my ass and got a 2 hr rub down, you see my back is jacked, its referring pain up and down my legs and shoulders.
jamin puts me through the ringer and worked it all over, me yelling in pain. the paraformus, glut medius and hip flexors are tight as paris hilton, ok thats not too tight, but what about some geetar strings or tighter than ATRAINS wallet.

you get the picture. so now i should drink some h20 and ride the lift for 4 hrs tomorrow polish my mad skills for the super D on friday night.

ya its gonna be in velonews so watch out.

maybe the mop can help me with my plant. its dying over here, i dont know if its too hot or i water it too much? what ya think


The Mop said...

I'm mulling it over,
I have another possible theory which is to much direct sunlight i.e. maybe the angle of the light this time of year through the window is Burning it up.

I'd say rotate it 180 degrees and keep the shades drawn for a few days.

Is all the damage on one branch? it could be a fungus from overwatering.

When you water is the soil dry? or is it still moist? Not on top but 6 inches down.
It is possible in this heat that the plant needs quite a bit of water.

When a plant gets hot it starts to suck up more water and it uses aspiration(like sweating) to cool itself off. Usually they will run out of water before they overheat.

I'm bad at plant I.D. is that a rubber tree?
What is weird is that it looks like the upper leaves are wilting too. like it's not enough water

There is a guy at western gardens near trolley square, that you can bring leafs into and he can tell you what's wrong.

The Mop said...

Alright, based on what little I know about this plant these are my official guesses. in order of probability

1. Fungus-possibly caused by over-watering.
2. Over-watering-(usually a yellow leaf and not brown.)
3.Light problem too much or too little.
4.nutriet problem- maybe it's been in the same soil for to many years and needs some fertilizer

make sure you have one of those little dishes under the pot that allows the soil to drain.

The browning from the inside out says it's an internal problem working out.
Hard to guess based on what little I know about it. But it is fun :)
the 180 deg rotation will tell you if it's a light issue.

Anonymous said...

Driving to Brian Head as we speak.. hopefully you didn't scorch the trails too much and left some for us.
who is the mop?

The Mop said...

I've been trying to answer that question for years.
In short,
Just some damn roadie.

primetime formerly known as slyfox said...

wow thats a lot of info, i water it everyday. it never gets direct light and the dirt is dry on top i dont like dirt so i didnt check the deeper dirt.

its about 2 months old so the dirt is fresh. i dont know what kind of plant it is and i do have a cactus and its doing fine thank you.

The Mop said...

Usual watering technique is to stick your finger deep into the soil and feel for moisture. If dry add water.
What you want to do is let the roots dry out(to kill any fungus or mold) then start watering again.
You're probably(this is a guess) looking at 3-6 days till it drys out, then maybe watering every 3-4 days.
You may want to try giving it more light too.
Just an opinion.