this is my sweet ride, with pegs

ya thats right ive got the power, just sometimes it doesnt come to work.
2 days ago i was on fire, hammering up emigration. you see barts house is at 6000 feet, downtown is 4300 feet thats a pretty good short climb home. 10 miles door to door. no headwind up the canyon so i laid it down for a new personal best. 43 mins, thats about 10 mins off my old time of 3 weeks ago. things are looking good. and since it takes bart or jones about 40 mins , ATRAIN SAYS it takes him 35 but we'll see how he does at the gila. probably takes him that long in his big ass truck.
so i have to give some shout outs to my posse, these are the people and friends who really keep it real, helping out sly in the darkest of hours, some are for health, some are business related some are old racing buddies.
kevin millet at
gary acevedo at
elizabeth king at
megan oberer the light worker
ryan and dan, alex, butta and dont forget alison, leo and syrus at contender for sweet deals and lots of wheel boxes
dave, rich and chan at guthries both locations more sweet deals, support over the years and more bike boxes
mike hanseen, pratt and robby at both canyon bicycles stores, yes more boxes and sweet deals
matt happe, ryan at keep it rollin with more sweet deals and lefty tune ups
brandon firth at stein erickson, lots of rentals for sale
gardie jackson always giving me his old bikes to sell, like 8 or 9 over three years.
bart g for hookin up a sweet house up the canyon
all the guys i raced for making me almost throw up trying to not to get dropped
eric jones, bart, chucky, greggy, racer, kyle g, zep, blake z, chan, sean young, ATRAIN, max lawson,kday racing, alex rock, buttafucco, jeff bates, world champ skier steve cook, jeff louder, burk, cole the wet jet, slowran back in the day, jeremy frank, brandon firth, heinrich the mutant, jj the messenger, linde T smith, clubbum maddox, mizzy and pete, i can work them over on the dh, bill harris in so. cal, tom cook the retired rmr and cx master. t2 todd tanner super fanatical trainer. last but not least al butler, one memory was us in the tour of st. george 2003 in the road race 4 of us got away, carl swenson, todd haggeman. i was going fast back then and al dropped me even when i thought i was on form and feeling the power. he won the stage race i got 2nd and was totally cooked. i still think what a waste everytime i ride up emigration or get on the skinny tires.
im sure i forgot lots of people but you guys know who you are.

yo momma is so fat she sat on the curb and turned it into a driveway.