jeff bates goes by master bates, zeus the world champion xc skiing 2006, you know the guy with 1 leg. he can drop most mtn bikers. hes fast. patrick and some other guys i cant remember.
i was riding by wild rose at 730 and those guys were leaving for a short sprint up dry creek.
i had to go just to rub it in, you know the big ring.
they like to hammer up the climbs standing up and sprinting until they pass out. then they stop and get the pbr's out of the back pack.
chug it then sprint some more.
they ride rigid 1 speeds like its cool, "hey look at me im on a 1 speed" i call them gay.
but the gay guys at the wild rose convinced me to ride on their team at 24 hrs moab. its the gay class you know the 1 gear bike with no shocks.
so i said ok.
i dont know why, maybe i want to sprint around in the middle of nowhere at night on a rigid 1 speed for no particular reason.
or i like passing people, you know go insanely fast for an hour try not to throw up or crash on the dh, or some rocky cliff drops.
try to clean the nose dive at 2am and show them how its done.
sounds like a party.
they want to beat racers 1 speed team, chucky bucky kenny and heinrich.
bucky just moved to kentucky, so i wonder whos on the team now. "bucky in kentucky"
i dont know why. oh its lindsey wilson college.
whoooo hooooo. i hope you are reading this bucky. you are missing out on the st george training compound.
anyway im on the wild rose team so they would lose anyway.
last year chucky the trucker took the gold and the wild rose got lapped.
now they called in the big dogs and we are taking the gold.
everyone thinks the race season is over, but im ready to roll.
cx and 24 hrs, night rides and more cx.
racing until december.
sounds good.

heres the top of shoreline at 830pm tonight.
practicin rippin the dh at night with no lights.
i figured out the low energy crisis for every american. i know whats up. i know why everyone needs coffee, uppers, drugs, sugar, red bulls, rockstars, mt dew, cokes, caffeine and the other 500 crappy drinks on every street corner in the usa. its called the drug store, come in here buy this shit eat it everyday get sick then pay us to cut organs out of you and sell you drugs for the rest of your life.. wake up everyone you are being sold out.
adrenal fatigue, these stimulants kick you while your down. i will tell more tomorrow, i have some glandular herbal supplements and they work.