Sunday, August 20, 2006

i saw this yesterday

this dude rippin at the xterra.

i was watching this show on mtv, sweet 16. its about spoiled rich kids having a 16 bday party. they are rich and want everything, they get pdiddy for entertainment, new 75,000 cars, 5,000 dresses, the dad gives them anything they want and if they say no the spoiled bitches start crying and get what they want. spending about 250 large for a god damn bday party. what a waste and what a way to raise a kid. give them anything they want. i wonder what happens to these kids later in life. i dont know good or bad, but i think it doesnt teach them how to bust their ass to get something. they just cry and get the world. if i got spoiled like that back then i wouldnt have learned how to figure it out on my own.

i think they are raising dependant incapable crying babies.

now take a 12 year old kid working on 2nd and state at his dads taco stand, fix his bike, take him on some trails and show him how to rip the dh and earn something that money cant buy. fitness and confidence that over flows into every part of his life.

i bet that kid is better off in 10 years.

im goin to ride big C, to millcreek via crest. should be around 2.5 hrs.

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