day 9
i wonder what 140 pounds and 375 watts translates into on race day?
we'll see
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:07 AM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
1:48 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
5:43 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
11:31 AM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
2:54 AM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
8:04 PM
i've been out in the bush, laying low this week. i will something more for you tomorrow afternoon. it will envolvea little bit of this
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:33 PM
beaches, jungles, aussies, sun burns, what else can i say that you dont want to hear?
you want more pics, more stories about nothing to do except riding?
well its kind of boring so i'll leave it up to your imagination.
today i rode a bit through a rubbish dump, it was lots of plastic bags in the jungle in the bush all over, i didnt take a pic, it was ugly.
there is a show here called bush doctor, i also will leave that up to your imagination.
i will leave you with this to think of.
i have not met this guy paul crake, but he is here in town, he used to live here and now lives in italy. hes was a road pro racing here about 2 years ago. he got hit by a car and now is paralyzed from the neck down. when you are riding and in the pain cave think of him and others who cant ride anymore. or walk or whatever and how much it sucks and then think of how much he would give to be in your shoes right then suffering like a dog.
from what i hear, he is pretty depressed and wants to end it all. knowing what he had, or what has been he has a hard time going on day to day. when one cant feel the urge to go to the bathroom and it just goes on its own with no warning.
days like that he said he wants to flip the switch.
i cant imagine what i would do if that were me, but if you think your life sucks from time to time then step back and look at the bigger picture.
i didnt meet this guy, but he makes all my problems look like nothing.
back to lazy days down under...
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
11:16 PM
see that island, thats new zealand.
i had some bread so i gave it to the aussie birds, looking east bound over the pacific near batemans bay.
i rode some different trails yesterday and today, well everyday i have been. but we did that lame mtn park in bermagui, ber ma gooey.
then stayed at his mates house near the ocean. we got up early at 630 and rode some coastal trails, some pics below.
went back to the race track that was last sunday, i did it about 15 mins quicker so must have been jet lag. still got wooped but felt a bit better. thats good, 28 mins off the win is pretty lame.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
4:25 AM
stromlo mtn park, they race a lot here, and its 2009 worlds worthy. stress tested for multiple hrs yesterday.
i found the worst park in the country. dont go here.
black berries grow wild, if youre blown and bonking just stop and chow down
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
3:37 AM
we took the lift ride up the black mtn tower, more pics on that later. or check it here.
thats some big lake in the dt.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
5:55 AM
that means the white house, parlimant? congress, all that shiz is here in town, there is a big cycling community and lots of fast pros in town. like boulder or something.
i finally watched 24 solo , grams into this stuff, he rides 24 hr solo races, night rides, does track, 1 speeds, hes all over the place
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:51 AM
the dog is known as the big ring,
so what better way to haul ass then, flog the dog.
get a dog up ya mate,
kangaroos in the paddock??
rubbish bin??
everyone drivin on the wrong side of the road
pass the rubber,
the eraser on that pencil there!!
well hot damn?!?!?!?!
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
11:52 PM
its 12am midnight here ok 1202, thats monday morning. home its 6am sunday.
thats wild,
i tried this race here in a pine forest and got pretty blown up, or as they say here smashed.
lots of funny words and the heads turn when i talk.
thats real comedy right there.
this race was about 300 total entrants, its mid summer here. nationals were here in town last week and these guys are fast anyway, throw in peak summer fitness and my fat ass. well thats a laughing stock, i pulled up the rear and got last,
hell ya, work it.
get a dog up ya mate, that means ride the big ring.
ok, well it was a big ring course, the most twisty bitch i've seen in years, lost in the pine forest 30 miles of pure 1 track and rocks.
wow only if i would have put in the hours last month, im only 28mins off the win so i gotta start somewhere.
wow thats crazy,
worlds xc course is here in sept 2009 so i'll go check it out, its only 30min ride from the house.
after i had a 4 hr nap we did some local trail city shredding, kangaroos all over, like 4 feet high, staring like a deer and hopping off. deer kind of hop,
we went to grams mates house this guy is insane, he has over 100 bikes and he collects bike tools off egay, has to my estimation over 500,000 worth of old bikes and tools in his garage. drawers and drawers of tools, in packages and old collector type campy tools.
his laptop was on the desk with ebay dialed up so i had to check it out, funny thing was he emailed my pal dale at bikewagon and he shipped him some tools from SLC and showed me the goods, straight outta madison, to SLC to canberra.
its gets more crazy,
his wife is american and is from madison. wow, thats a brain cooker right there.
i wonder what will happen tomorrow,
dont know but its wild as is.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
6:01 AM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
11:38 AM