Wednesday, September 06, 2006

100% mexico

the wonder pony dreaming of back in the day when he used to preach jesus to the mexicans.

i have seen a few stories about cancer with people of friends and relatives of friends. seems they all are with the same attitude. at the end of a rope.

thats too bad because there is a cure for cancer and its not at the local hospital or at some big university with an expert cancer doctor.

cancer or any other disease is easier to heal than you think. its based on acid and ph. if your body is in an acid state you will get sick. if you dont fix it you will die. take the acid away and you will heal it.

it sounds simple and nobody believes me. im not a doctor and i dont have 20 years of college degrees so its easy to push it off as "crazy ass slyfox doesnt know shit"

maybe some day people will wake up and stop believing the bullshit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe you. But don’t go telling every one are performance enhancing stuff. They should have to go see Marry Pippins to get the info.