busy next 16 hrs

Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:08 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:08 AM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
5:33 PM
20 minute TT up soon, its all about focus and not blowing any corners. its slippery like marbles on the side walk. dont hit any cactus and hook up the corners.
good times
if atrain was here he would get worked over, and slowran i wont even go there. oh hell.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:14 AM
this is what i do to atrain when he rides with me.
its like 70, thats better than 40 and 90.
tommy need wingy, aka wing city.
im goin to hit this place up. its like rib city in fruita. dem good.
i guess the last 4 days of napping did the trick. i rode the time trial a few times today and was puttin out big watts so tomorrow at 1pm i expect nothing less than victory.
heres the sked for the weekend
friday TT
sat super D 3pm
short track 7pm
sun 40 mile xc. with a 5am bike swap in tucson.
ya i cant resist the deals. i got 3 g's burnin a hole in my pocket.
these trails were made for me, twisty big ring power climbs. good times in the desert.
so ya'll have fun in the snow.
cuz sly is soakin up the rays.
heres diamond bob geekin out on free wi-fi.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
7:38 PM
bz aka thumbs mcgee, i think this is how he broke the key opposable digit.
dont tell anyone, looks painful
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
2:23 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:18 PM
i've been tired, sleepy mucho. got in 12 hrs of napping per day. it started friday night i went to bed at 1am, woke up at 3am from dripping rain, then stayed up the rest of the day.
i've been sitting around poolside in the sun. i have not done anything except lay around. the tan is workin out great. yaa
quote of the week from bionic dave last weekend.
sly: what time is it?
dave: i dont know
sly: we've been out about 5 hrs.
dave: oh really, wow, that long.
sly: im thinkin, holy hell this guy doesnt have a clue about how long we've been out, and probably doesnt care. its raining hard and windy and its only half way done. this is a long ride.
hammer on, 5 more hrs.
meet up with snake and pick up some chicks. yaaa
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
2:40 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:52 AM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:07 PM
the road to moab, up high on the little canyon rim, just 7 hrs before i was riding on that road.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
8:55 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:54 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:51 AM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:09 PM
more emails.
Hi, We just wanted to tell you good luck with this adventure. I wish I were more like you, what you are doing would scare me to death. But a simpler life does sound nice. It's nice to hear someone doesn't think lifes all about things they have you are proof we all could live without all our things. Again good luck on getting bids I really hope this works out for you. Donna
Hey buddy, if you sell can you send me some money? Getting married this yr. and could use it, just a shot in the dark, hey and thanks for the consideration too
You don't know me...so can I have $100? More if you can spare....Thanks!
I saw on CNN today, you look sad I hope you find what you are looking for. You have a big heart but there is something making you very unhappy. I thinking about you, wish you the best... Sincerely
is this for real? was i on cnn, who knows but this is a sampling of what comes in.
kenny jones told me yesterday he did the moab rim ride last saturday on his 1 speed. that guy is koo koo loco, he was out there for 13 hours and got to the poison spider portal at 9pm in the dark. he had to walk 3 miles down off the cliff.
ok thats insane
1 speeders get my respect, always have, always will. even know i say you are gay.
i dont know how the hell you can do 13 hrs in 1 gear.
click on the blank space
i stole this from martini, since its so funny, watch it at the end. thats the grape lady, and heres the grape ladies son.
but wait there's more,
brant watching the grape lady, yaaaaaaaaaaaa
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:22 AM
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Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
7:00 PM
i might be turning into big jonny, posting emails all the time.
i have not heard from gary D for over 3 months. i thought he moved or got locked up, or just hated me.
i post this cuz i think a lot of people are sick and dont know what to do about it. i hope someone reads it and can figure out their health.
since the doctors just want to sell drugs.
Congratulations on you early season fitness. I thought you may think this little bit of info would be cool.
I have recently found what I think and hope is the last piece to my health performance. As you know since my trip to Elizabeth I have been doing better but I wouldn’t stay consistent and some times feel as bad as before, and go back to fasting for up to seven days I wouldn’t go longer because I didn’t want to stop training out right like I did before. So to keep a long story short I have conformed through trial and error with different foods I have Celiac disease I feel just as good after staying three or four days away from gluten as I do after as much time fasting with the exception of not having to tone down the training due to the low caloric in take from juicing. I would have never figured it out with out the full tear down and cleans Elizabeth helped me do. All the symptoms from celiac can be diagnosed as so many things it explains why so many people can go there whole life with out ever figuring it out. Of course the doctors would rather give you a pill than tell you to eat different because they don’t make any money from that. I do need the doctors to do the blood test because the extra expense of gluten free food is more expensive, it’s a tax write off.
Happy ridding Gary
its time to hit the hill, hit it hard, slowran and ATRAIN think they can hang. i handed it to one of them yesterday, now the tall one thinks hes the man.
hmm, we'll see if the train is on track.
i dont think it is.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
3:15 PM
he gave up blogging, or maybe its the warm sunny beaches, hangin with tw. winning under ground road races in PR.
the green lantern sent me a note on the phone.
"i just T boned a dog at 50k downhill and tore my ass open. at hospital now. all well's fault," of course it is.
"this is going to suck"
thanks for the update
let me know how the snorkeling goes with the salt water on your raw ass.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
12:23 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
12:41 AM