Monday, March 26, 2007

i found my new house in tuck son

thanks to bz for keepin me updated on the hottest radio tracks straight outta the audi.


its up north near oro valley. a house with 2 chicks, 2 dogs and a spare bed room. free wi-fi and sunny skies. what more do you need, well there are lots of trails too. sweet

bz crashed last week and broke his thumb, he's now know as thumbs mcgee, he emailed me this pic of jones and suzy. at target in the SLC.


now i have to work on my tan. if somethin cool happens and im not napping i will tell you later.
its really nice here, they have a kiddy pool and a sand box, its just like PR, but no world cup pros.

the green lantern is on the world cup film crew in puerto reeecko, its his bday so go over there and say somethin nice cuz his ass is all skinned up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jones is #11 like you and susy is #12. boggling. target 03/25/2007. 3+2+5+2+0+0+7 = 14, which is also featured in the pic. thumb surgery on 03/28/2007.