Tuesday, July 31, 2007
month of the leos (the asskickers)
july 22nd to aug 22nd the month of the dominators. my bday is next friday the 10th so get me somethin nice.
"i kick more ass before 9am then 90% of the population"
"wake up, kick ass, repeat"
The majestic lion, the King of the Beasts, is Leo's symbol. Throughout history, the lion has symbolized sovereignty, rulership, and courage. "The lion's size and strength have captured human imagination since ancient times"
Leos, like lions, are thought to be strong leaders. They generally have a regal quality to them, and possess a noble manner that is hard to miss.
The glyph for Leo represents the mane of the lion.
here are some famous leos
ned overend, axel merckx, tim johnson, stuart ogrady, davide rebellin, udo bolts, jessica grieco, atrain, kristin armstrong, fabio casartelli, laurent fignon, jon lieswyn, erik dekker, madonna, dom deluise, alison dunlap, henk vogels, magic jonson, halle berry
ok you get the idea, if you are a leo check out who was born on your bday
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
12:33 PM
Monday, July 30, 2007
my new fave show hasnt even opened yet
i cant wait
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:15 AM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
pro racer or concentration camp victim
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
11:00 PM
i got a donation yesterday
i rode up to the crest over to pc at mid mtn, then up powerline to jupiter lake, back down millcreek. i ran out of food and water but thats ok its only 4 hrs.
i got a donation too, so thanks and keep em comin
Dear cris fox,
LW Coaching just sent you money with PayPal.
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Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
1:03 PM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
donation for primetime
check out the copy cat
only 500 bucks, thats no 100k. but im askin a lot of jack.
heres an experiment, see how many people will paypal me a dollar.
if you feel the prime time entertainment is worth it, please enlighten me.
send your donation by paypal here.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
12:24 PM
Friday, July 27, 2007
junior racin in north carolina

Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:17 AM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
kenny jones eats shit
glad to see kenny ok, check out his skull.
holy hell thats ugly

Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
6:44 PM
rabobank pulls the chicken from the tour--- DOPER!
news flash,
everyone in top 10 at least is on something. get a clue.
see it here
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
4:58 PM
yaaa dopers
and i got this link from atrain, good stuff.
read it and weep my fellow LDS brethren more good stuff. laugh me ass off.
kathy and sara doin the shit shuffle north carolina style, looks like a blast.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:08 AM
sweet maria
im on a secret training plan with elizabeth and some melon. i dont have anything else to say, im hungry and missing rubios.
no you tube, no jokes, races or interviews so when im done not eating i might think of something funny to say.
i dont even see the pink dude any where,
bz went to north carolina for the norba, hes hangin with kathy and will be sending pics of the action this saturday. im not doing the 10 hr race at park west so i might go play tecno all day on the trail. i sold some of my junk so i might go to wendover and lay it all on red.
i just went to a movie and now im watching mtv.
some one poured coke all over my van and the wipers stuck to the window, i turned them on and they got ripped off stuck to the window
yaa rip it.
my new fave show is ice road truckers, check out the preview clip.
these old fat smoker crazy canadians drive 12mph on a 300 mile lake at the arctic circle.
they think they are tuff.
fun stuff
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
12:16 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
bart and alex G on the road in vermont
bart and alex went to vermont to lock horns with the pros.
heres the top 10.
bart ripped it for 7th, alex got 13th and sager finished in 27th with a flat and broken wheel.
they are racing short track today so check out the stories in their own words when they get back out of the woods.
bart g
2007 USA Cycling national mountain-bike championships
July 22, 2007
Men's cross-country
1. Adam Craig, Giant, 2:16:31
2. Jeremiah Bishop, Trek-Volkswagen, at 4:26
3. Michael Broderick, Kenda-Seven, at 6:35
4. Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski, Subaru-Gary Fisher, at 8:52
5. Todd Wells, GT, at 9:12
6. Barry Wicks, Kona-Les Gets, at 10:54
7. Bart Gillespie, Mona Vie-Cannondale, at 12:45
8. Erik Tonkin, Kona-Les Gets, at 13:21
9. Jeff Hall, Salsa Cycles, at 13:31
10. Samuel Koerber, at 15:22
i wonder who is taking willows picture
i wonder about racing when you train for something for months or years, then the day comes and you are ready to rip then the bike breaks, flat or some bike problem happens. or the day you dont give a damn about the race, dont train for it, dont eat right, dont prepare properly and then out of nowhere you have power, dominate, rip it and win with ease. no worries no stress no pressure. then there are the days of suffering. when nothing with the body goes right and you wish for a flat, broken leg or something just to stop the pain. but when you are feeling like dog meat the bike works perfect.
odd story but thats how it goes for me out on the trail.
maybe thats the key. pressure comes from within, get rid of it and dominate.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
5:48 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
i went on vacation to the tetons
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
1:08 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
i saw this movie

i keep hoping im selling some junk on egay that the alien wants so i can get a sweet ride and this girl
she already has my name so its a perfect match
then i did a night ride and im waitin for this sweet light to come in then me and rico are goin to bomb dog lake and hit deer and stuff.
one time me and chucky were riding at snow basin at 11pm with lights and i was first then he was bout 50 feet behind me, i scared a herd of bucks out of the trees doin about 30mph they ran out and plowed him over and he almost got speared by a big rack. it knocked him on his ass and he landed in a pile of rocks, he was all cut up and couldnt move. then he was so beat he couldnt race the next day. he could barely walk.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:03 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
interview with the holleys
kc holley
the short girl on the 29er. but dont let her height trick you. she will probably drop your ass.
duo team fisher in the U.C. with that guy who is below.
what is your real job
I currently work for Pharmanex in their marketing department. My role is to create technical or educational materials and assist our markets with technical questions. Although in my heart I am a physical educator (without the standard hair cut).
what fun is it following chris around all the time, seems like hard training?
I enjoy the view of Chris from behind and I get a pretty decent draft also. He does get cranky though when I can't hold his wheel.
how do you deal with authority
I don't. I leave the man alone. I am afraid of him.
whats your view on womens liberation
I was never enslaved nor have I ever really felt discriminated against because I am a woman. I think women's lib has its place to a point but I also don't believe men and women are equal in all things. Biologically men and women are different. I won't go into the details, but if you look closely I am sure you will see some differences. For this reason, I don't believe they should be treated equally across the board.
do you really like kathy sherwin
Kathy who? I don't know a kathy sherwin. Oh, wait...is she the one who lines up on the start line, but then I don't see her again until the awards? Yeah, she is nice.
if you didn't race or ride what would you do
I am not sure. I would probably coach volleyball, swimming, gymnastics, or some other sport and be a baby machine like the rest of the 30 year old women in utah county.
whats the big deal with 29ers
29 inch wheels makes everthing (rocks, ledges, etc) a little bit smaller. Although from the reviews that I have read, it is a miracle I can climb on a 29 inch bike because I am not 5' 10".
chris holley
i think they would both be faster if they rode normal bikes. thanks for the handicap!
utah county has a following of 29ers, its like preaching islam in front of the temple here in the DT.
it falls on deaf ears. anyway me and zep raced these 2 at 12 hrs round valley a few weeks ago and they were hangin tough for 8 hrs, kc is a beast and she laid it down. dont know how she does it but these 2 got 3rd only like 15mins behind us.
way to shred.
what do you think about plastic surgery, cosmetic only, not for like accidents and stuff.
I am all for plastic surgery. I am currently saving up for calf implants. I am currently accepting donations for that surgery.
what do you think about public transportation (should tax dollars be spent on it? would you use it?)
If it was convenient I would use it. I am all for getting rid of the carcinogenic cloud that hangs over the valley.
whats your favorite movie in the last 2 years
Inside Man. Denzel Washington is dreamy.
since you live in the provo area, are there any good restaurants down there
I like cheap Mexican food--Del Taco, Bajio, Mi Ranchito, Cafe Rio. This is why I am not ten pounds lighter and fast.
whats your favorite ride, or rides (road or mtb)
Porcupine Rim, Sovreign in December, Gooseberry Mesa on a Single Speed, or any trail when the legs feel good and there is good company.
whats the big deal with 29ers
I got one for KC a few years ago. Then ended up bikeless after selling my bike before my new one came in, while KC had two bikes. I borrowed her Paragon 29er and rode sovereign in moab. I don't know if it was the wheel size or what but I have never had so much fun on a bike before. That bike was then converted into my single speed which recently met its demise at a Sundance race when the head tube snapped off. That was a sad, sad day.
do you really like chucky
I think he is a bastard covered bastard with bastard filling. When I am not racing against him he seems like a pretty good guy.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
2:31 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
tinder box
the bushes are green but check out the fields of dead grass.
i only saw 1 guy on a bike for 1.5 hr ride time, and a dizzy squirrel on the trail. he must have been hot and dehydrated cuz he wasnt moving and didnt care if i bunny hopped him.
i probably wont race until the wolverine ridge, thats fine. im working on a secret training plan for august and sept. in the next few weeks i will be getting the new cx bike together. yesterday while riding i was dreaming of 1 hr cool weather cx races. soon it will be cold as a witches tit and i will be thinking of the hot dog days of july/august.
the cx bike is looking like this, rocky mtn with avid juicys, flat bar, reynolds tubulars, single crank 9 speed. 15 lbs. should be an ass kicker.
so i will hit the trails for 3 weeks and log some solo hours. the next 2 weeks i will call hell week. more on that later. it involves a lot of this, and this.
ahh yes, 10 days of spinach and melon always does the trick.
oh ya i think its barts bday today, or chippo. i cant remember those guys are old any way and its one today and one tomorrow. cant remember which day is which. so go buy them some rogaine.
Looking relaxed on 7/17/07, rockstar interview.
They took 5th on today’s stage, now in 10th overall
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:59 AM
Monday, July 16, 2007
team shannifer
check it out here
Elite women
1 Kerstin Brachtendorf/Daniele Troesch (Fiat Rotwild -Damen) 3.58.37
2 Sandra Klose/Peggy Klose (Zwillingscraft) at .06
3 Kirsten Rösel/Milena Landtwing (Team Haibike-Fujibike) 21.46
4 Rebecca Burbach/Mirjam Preyer (Srs Pro Sportler) 24.39
5 Shannon Boffeli/Jennifer Hanks (Race Face Uxc) 30.06
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
12:27 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
what do the chicken and climb-um have in common

Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
6:52 PM
Saturday, July 14, 2007
snowbird picture blog with extra scenery
the real tommy boy
tolbert takes the 1 speed victory big trace mule packer yaa
holley can ride uphill no handed, i dont think hes flipping me off
reed, alex and bobby can ride uphill with 1 hand
bobby can dance and win
i found this girl up on the trail and lake deso is still there.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
8:20 PM