do you guys remember this song
whoop there it is, hell ya im rollin that tune today.
a couple of weeks ago i stabbed my foot with a peice of glass, it really sucks its on the side of the ball of my foot, i ride and go around all day without socks. my biking shoes get full of water sweat and dust which turns to mud. so this cut got really dirty and i didnt wash it. so now its all puffy and swollen.
i think a peice of glass in still inside it, its all red and it hurts but its all closed up on the outside. i feel like digging it open with a knife.
this all happened when the bed i have at work for naps, its on the floor and the window broke one day in a wind storm, the glass went on the bed and i didnt pick it all up. so im sleeping and a small peice jams into my foot, i wake up and blood is dripping and i pulled out this 1/4 shard and it sliced it pretty good.
so anyway my foot hurts and im limping around now that makes my other calf muscle all sore from walking funny.
my legs hurt from the weekend of hammering, or riding slow what ever i was out pedaling for 7 hours.
then i moved a bunch of crap out of the canyon, did it in a few hours thanks to climb-um jones.
now im blown, should have been a rest day but its not. i have to ship out some orders, ride, eat, wash my foot, cut it open, organize the fox den and get ready to rip it up again on saturday.
tough life, yes i know im a big pussy
but bobby is lucky i didnt race the border town challenge. j/k, nice ride. we might lock horns at the wolverine.
i decided to skip the snowmass race, i dont want to drive there, i want to race closer to town, i want to watch the snowbird finish of the epic tour of utah stage.
its my birthday next week on the 10th so everyone get me a cool prize.