busy next 16 hrs
i was layin down the power at the short track. like 30 lined up and i did the rmr attack and got a gap for 10 mins then got reeled in, but i still won the semi pro. it was at night and kind of sketchy but i didnt care. so then we watched the real pros and there was like 80 guys kaboom kabush won with wells 2nd.
kathy had the best result ever in 4th. thats like 4th pro in the usa. pretty good if you ask me. and shes stoked.
so now im drivin down to tucson, 2 hrs. get up at 5am and buy some parts
till 8am then drive to ftn hills , 2 hrs back. race 40 miles at 10:30.

good times. thanks to bz thumbs mcgee for being my pro photographer
click on the pics to enlarge, check out my sweet arm band. yaaa
mega rippin prime bangus!
Say hello to my parents while you're in FH. That's where they live.
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