rosie and bart in the atlantic ocean. i had to post it.

ok for the past 3 days i have been a bike messenger. back like in the old school days. i have been ripping around in the down town for 3 or 4 hours a day getting some hammering in with some track geeks and UTA busses.
yaa fun times.
seems my pal adam over at salt city couriers got slammed with 5 or 6 guys quitting at once so he calls me to take the load. ok, ok. i say.
what can the fastest messenger do, i come out of retirement.
he fired this guy yesterday on top of that.
seems hes not a biker,
yet he rides around on a fixie with pink rims and proceeded to get ran over by a car.
for the 2nd time in 2 weeks.
guess what, no brakes equals getting your ass run over.
you dont ride fixies in traffic, i dont care if your name is JJ or jason, or if you work at LMI.
1 speeds are gay and you know how i feel about it so lets leave it at that.
this week reminded me why i hated bike messenger red tape. waiting for elevators. stopping at every level in a building because these idiots are too lazy to use the stairs for 1 floor. im on the 20th floor, they go down to 19 in the elevator.
come on, it didnt happen once, its all the time. i've got to haul ass.
racing the train down main to cut it off with a hard left on 200, 300 or 400 south. it says no left turn but thats for cars only.
squeezing by the front of the train just in time to hook it up and not lose any speed.
trying to beat the UTA bus on 200 south west bound to main, we are both doing 30 and hes trying to cut me off to pull over at the bus stop.
ya he floors it and smash his mirror with my fist.
next time hes getting the U lock in the side window.
people, ok, old ladies that work at the counters that cant hear, understand or know a damn thing about why you are there or that you just sprinted across town to get a pick up and they dont know what the hell your are talking about or who to call.
why are they here? sitting at the front when they can even barely walk?? hell if i know
loading your bag with 50 lbs of court transcripts and trying to get 10 drops done in 30 mins so your bag doesnt break your back.
work that in with 15 min rush calls.
down town construction blows.
no riding on the side walks
bike cops suck more than car cops =power trippers who cant keep up if they were paid 1000 to catch me.
people taking 5 mins to sign their long ass name. hell when UPS comes to my house he gets the 1 sec scribble.
give me the same, i dont have time to stand around while you practice your penmanship on my watch.
the most thing i hate.
wooden pedestrian corridors that are 3 feet wide.
this means you cant access the building riding because all the foot traffic on them and when they peds see you riding in this wooden tunnel they freak out.
sager, blake and bart have been in puerto rico all week and the only reason i know this is because go check
sagers web sitebart sucks at blogging, you get from him about 2 sentences a week if that.
with no pics.
blake writes a 30 page book about once a week.
and if sager doesnt tell you anything, at least he has some vay cay pics.
no race results,
no action shots
equals lame blogging .
team mona vie may be the world premier mtn biking squad but they suck at blogging.
hey guys...... what about the rest of us who want to follow your life??
keep up on recent activities of our fave super heroes?
come on hook it up and get on the blogging band wagon.
it doesnt take but 5 mins a day, so give me the i dont have time, im at the beach excuse.
holy hell