a lot a stuff but im realllllllllly tired
not cuz im out at the club pickin up hot chicks, but cuz i lay in bed staring at the ceiling. wondering what if and why.
some times i look at the wall and wonder.
something crazy happened last night but im not going into it. it started off at 9pm with a really short ride. then came home tired and thought i was going to bed early. i planned to get up at 6am and go a few blocks over to see the old key bank tower blow up.
you may ask, well i was in the down town area and i still see the key bank tower. well if you are not in the know, here you go.
50 south main is the cross roads mall. its all blown up now. that whole block is gone. they ripped it down over the last few months. they will be tearing down the zcmi center at 50 main and across the street at 40 main. they moved the name of the key bank tower to 36 state which used to be the beneficial life tower.
over the next 4 years they are rebuilding these 2 main city blocks with 10,000 or so hotel rooms and condos.
its supposed to be some big shit goin on.
they better do something down there, its like a ghost town. even before they wrecked anything.
anyway long story.
up all night, then i went over to triad and saw that big bang.
i got a few pics but they are lame since im 4 blocks away. the security grid was tighter than a......well i will leave it up to you.
then i went down to 9400 south at little cottonwood canyon. it was windy, cloudy and right at the start it was a down pour, lightning all around and up the canyon. so james cancelled the mtn hc up at gad2.
playin tecno at 8am gets the blood going. even if ali g is at home makin flap jacks.
the pro 1-2 field was weak.
like 10 guys showed up, im not saying they are slow its just there wasnt that many of them.
i was up at tanner and normy had a 10 sec lead over mitchel, santa, tyson, alex g the summer time dominator
and couple other guys.
i think mitchel won and normy got 2nd, i dont know the results i wasnt at the finish line.
then bryson pulled up on his moto, hes blown like me so we watched as the rain stopped and the temp guage said 55 degrees at 7500 feet.
if you dont know mitchel peterson hes the tall thinner brother of chris peterson. these 2 are about 6' 2" and 130 lbs each.
they were born on the mtn bikes a few years back, and now mitchel races pro at the norbas.
the kid can climb, start fast and hammer but lacks a good dh and at every race ive been to with him this year goes from 1st to about 8th on the 1st dh and then cant make up any time on the remaining laps.
i wish i had his power to weight ratio.
keep practicin mitch, you will get it.
hes only like 20 or something crazy like that.
i got a few pics but im tired so maybe post that sheeat laterrr.
i saw this on discovery channel or something last year, then i stole these pics from matt ant. aka matt love. watched them build it and this ski run has a black diamond on it.
i got a few pics but im tired so maybe post that sheeat laterrr.
i saw this on discovery channel or something last year, then i stole these pics from matt ant. aka matt love. watched them build it and this ski run has a black diamond on it.
dubai is in the middle east, the rich oil country. this prince guy has so much money he wanted to build a ski run in the middle of the freakin desert.
its probably the same guy who wanted to build his own palm island in the ocean.
i wonder how it is dreaming up ways to spend 100 billion dollars on crazy shit just cuz you can.
Hey, you're famous, I'm not. You write 5 pages a day, I write 1 a week. I don't text much because it takes me 15 minutes to figure out how to write one line. If you got skills ,use'em.
Thanks again for the techno at Tanner's Flat.
That building collapsed just like the World Trade Center....
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