im still in the big city
i went riding yesterday for about 3 hrs. i was thinking the whole time about why would i go to a norba 12 hrs away. it didnt sound fun so im not going. for some reason i didnt get ready yesterday, i was putting it off, and not wanting to go. then the same thing today. i thought about it all day today and it didnt change my mind any. i was anxious all day, didnt want to go, thinking about why i was going so i went riding for another few hrs. my legs didnt feel any better and neither did the decision of whether to stay or go.
so im not going to waste my time going down there. im staying home this weekend and im going to see what happens.
maybe a big earthquake is coming and that hell hole is goin to get jacked up. now that i made the decision i feel better and it was the right one.
learn to swim
so im not going to waste my time going down there. im staying home this weekend and im going to see what happens.
maybe a big earthquake is coming and that hell hole is goin to get jacked up. now that i made the decision i feel better and it was the right one.
learn to swim

im moving some where, change my life around. go to hawaii hang with the locals surf big waves. maybe go to australia for the winter. who knows, i see a lot of change around me. people i know, things, stuff.
everything is on the move. people are shifting and i feel the same. some times i dont know why i do what i do.
but today i need to slow down and take it day by day. all i can tell you is hang on and dont go any where cuz its gettin good and you dont want to miss the best part of the show.
this planet is coming up on something big and you are here in this time for a reason so dont go anywhere. dont check out. just watch the shit blow up cuz its goin off and all this change and shifting is just the beginning.
i just found this video and the music kicks ass. the waves are pretty cool too.
oh ya i need a number plate for east canyon, do you want to sell yours for $50 bucks?
i should call james and get in, we are so tight.
I think your quote to me about a month ago was "Norba is gay". I think you just rediscovered your sentiments. To be honest I dont even know why Sager and Bart even want to participate in NORBA after all the shit that has gone down with them.
thats why they are both going to fruita this week end
You asked how far my commute is, its a little less than 10 miles.
Bummer. Gonna miss you at norba race this weekend. How about Fontucky for you?
VAST, Jesus there may be hope yet. The only thing gayer than NORBA's are DJ's
The whole XC scene is getting out of control. The ICUP is cool because its local, low key. But the national scene has no appeal to me. Even some of the endurance events are getting all about the top guys, and everyone else can kiss off.
12 hours is along way to go for a 2 hour race.
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