Tuesday, November 18, 2008

knock knock whos there

the jehovah witness' just dropped by the fox den, i told him to go watch the www.zeitgeistmovie.com

he asked me if believe in evolution....

ya darwin has his shit together, and i like aliens too, and bigfoot.

nobody knows why bigfoot cant be locked down, its cuz they can energy transfer into balls of light and fly off.


R.Matthew Simmons said...

I saw Big Foot hiding in that little rat nest of pile of bushes/garbage along 3rd South between 5th-6th East the other day.
Came as a bit of a shock, but he's actually a Scientologist and a good friend of Tom Cruise.
I'm heading to Rockland Ranch, UT this weekend to hang out with the cave dwelling FLDS freaks. Anyone want to carpool?

DeletedBlog said...

Beautifully stated...

primetime formerly known as slyfox said...

thats the dirt parking lot, i used to live in that sky scraper behind the maverick, the homeless dudes live in those bushes, now its winter and the leaves are fallen off. right against that building they camped out in the woods. in the summer its all green and hidden, check it out. on the sidewalk someone painted "danger" with an arrow pointing south on the south side of 3rd south.

primetime formerly known as slyfox said...

check this out
