puttin out the watts and ass woopins

like 400 watts in big ring.
that vitamin cocktail i was talkin bout is the hot ticket. inject it straight into your arm vein.
this is what it looks like when i drop the bomb.
like 400 watts in big ring.
that vitamin cocktail i was talkin bout is the hot ticket. inject it straight into your arm vein.
this is what it looks like when i drop the bomb.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:16 PM
not really, its raining. better than snow. so its a day off, supposed to be sunny and warm so im goin to the movies
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
2:52 PM
dh racin in fontucky. dont ask me, ask the green lantern, aka j, say.
what does J say when J gets pissed and wants to throw down, J say grrrrrrrrrr.
he was there. i was at the beach.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:59 AM
what are friends, well i have learned people have different definitions of friends. especially lately.
so you must know my definition. the short answer is, i just checked my phone. if youre in my phone then youre my friend, not limited to though, i might know you but not that good. if you get calls and texts from me in the last 30 days, youre in my phone, something like 125 names i just counted. i didnt know i had so many friends. not that, thats a lot, it just is to me. i'm sure people know lots of others, but anyway.
i dont add just anyone to my phone, if i dont call or here from you in about 30 days you get deleted, or black listed like the wonder pony says.
eminem has a different view of friends, some times i agree, some times i dont. if you want to read the lyrics go here, if you dont want to be offended dont go there, its not G rated.
my point is i have a lot of friends. im not bragging im thinking of a lot of things to be thankful for, and eminem is a lyrical genius.
if you feel left out dont, if you want sly texts email me your number and i will add you.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
11:19 AM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:22 AM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
7:26 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
8:06 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
11:53 PM
i watched the clouds come in for 4 hrs yesterday, then i went out trying to miss the rain but i picked the timing perfect and the area of most water. boulder city got all the rain in whole area today and right when i was out in back country. 3 hrs of soaking wet trail riding with head winds and what felt like arctic air. the last time i was this cold and soaked to the bone was the 4th of july up on the wasatch crest in a mid summer hail storm and 3 hrs of pouring rain. ya i got screwed.
its raining hard in this pic but you cant tell.
now its sunny, 65 and blue skies.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:54 AM
i heard its snowing up in the SLC, so its cold here at 63, i need to break out the arm warmers.
when i went riding up some dirt road i found this sweet ride.
its up some gravel road on the west side, town side of vegas. its a secret way to bootleg. seems there are lots of hippies camping in the mtns here, burning and dumping garbage every where. its freaky up there. if you saw the movie the hills have eyes then there you go. wacked out sick movie.
would you rather watch this american tv host, or this italian tv host.
ya rosie.
ya and dont say, oh i dont have time for tv. people that say that are liars. i wouldnt watch day time tv but who can pass up TRL
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
12:33 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:59 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
8:59 AM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
11:46 AM
the 1st big race of year on skinny tires is tomorrow, i know some guys goin down to shred or be shredded. hopefully it goes well for DH, team rico, bryson, stormin and who ever else is down there. too many to list but thats all i know anyway.75 in vegas sounds nice, im sure it will be 85 in P-town. so big ring it and dont get dropped.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
2:07 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
4:21 PM
not to be confused with the STL, or the SLC. the ATL, aka the hawks are down at the DC gettin worked over by memo and ak47.watchin the game, mackin and chowin on the goods. do the dew, cherry pies, donuts. got to support the local maverick.
i got a few days off the bike so its time to refuel.
check this video i stole from go ride. its a getto link, click the blank space.this is childs play. you know krispy can huck 30 footers. once married and has a kid. von does this stuff in his sleep, and joss well i guess hes gettin old.i recall seeing the green lantern do this last week end on a 29er hard tail.
today is the 1 year anniversary of fat sly, 1 year ago i started the 23 day no food cleanse. 210 pounds of lovin, it was hard, it sucked and now its 364 days later. 60 pounds less to climb the hill. 17 days to the 1st race and its on track, so im pigging out on quality lays and pepsi items. dreaming of lost memories, days of frustration and suffering.
nobody has to do it the hard way. there are cures for everything here in SLC valley. insulin resistance, diabetes, cancer, headaches, you name it, its curable.
you need to find the answer for you and trust what i have to say. its easier than you think. you dont have to live in pain, lack, or sacrifice. its all a big lie.
dont buy into the lie. i said F the lie and check it out. its hammer time. yaaa
This was sent by a Police Officer in Southern California!
This fine upstanding member, of the infamous ! 18th street LA gang, decided one day that he would try to car-jack a semi truck at gun point. The gangster jumped up on the driver side, while the truck was in motion, and stuck a gun in the drivers face. The only problem was that the truck driver opened up the door and knocked the attempted thief, off. He lost his balance and fell under the wheels of the truck. At which time the driver slammed on his brakes, resting on top of him and decided that this was the perfect time to whip out his Fuji Disposable camera....Say cheese homie! Have a nice day!!:))
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
8:50 PM
well this is just shit balls. some ass master has to go kill people across the street from the den.
i live 2 blocks from this cluster. helicopters and sirens goin off for an hour now. then the ksl guy calls me and says they are doing news about that all night. hope people are ok, not the dead ones. but this jackass killer is one reason this planet is going to hell in hand basket.
i should have gave him a benjamin before this shit happened.
holy hell
back to the drawing board , thursday night. see if i can get on then.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
7:39 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
5:06 PM
i got another funny email today.
check it out
Are you dying? Or are you trying to wipe away some major sins? Or are you just one very crazy generous guy? If I had the money, I'd do it. I'd also donate to Juvenile Diabetes since my niece was diaganosed and I want a cure for her! Good luck in your mission. I want to see the videos!!!! Please send me the email links!!!!
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
1:40 PM
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
6:44 PM
ya down in the sun. got in 2 hrs of trail shredding.
this is just for bz. i was out in the middle of nowhere ripping the bear claw poppy and saw the green lantern, bobby and newby. it boggles me how i can be lost in the desert and see guys from the big city, if you know what im talkin bout.
i got a call from ksl 5. they want to put my auction and story on the news tonight with an interview, im gone so it has to wait till monday night.
watch it 10pm monday ksl 5.
that should get some rich dude to kick down the cash.
big hell ya
i got a few interesting emails this week, here is one.
I am simultaneously in respectful awe for,and extremely concerned about,you and your very brave/ extraordinarily idealistic plan.Either you are truly inspired/enlightened,or you must be suicidal.I trust you have considered this decision very carefully.As long as you are not hurting yourself,then I am blown away with admiration for an act so altruist,and truly subversive in today's mess of a society which devours it's own with greed and self-preservation.Anyway, that said.I must confess,I am in a little need of help.I don't know if you only like to help people randomly,who are not asking for any help,but allow me to give you a brief summary of my situation for your consideration.I found your ad, because I have been desperately searching for a car that I can afford,now for several months.Mini-vans tend to go for good deals,so I usually look for them.I am a waitress/single mother,and basically broke.If I cant get a car,I may lose job.(No characters left)Can you please help me?
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
6:12 PM
or cold to warm. alta was nice, the desert is better. i come here to ride trails and stuff. not mud and haze.
so its like this, ride eat sleep. thats about it. some people dream of the life but its not all its cracked up to be.
chicks dig glory, so here is the green lantern in street clothes and no helmet. can you rekognize
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
12:11 PM