Saturday, October 28, 2006

drive to denver 8 hrs plane ride back 1 hr yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

i was selling parts to dumb people all day. questions like "you sellin those stems"

"is this for sale", well of course its not, its here for you to look at, and i hauled it here just for you to look at it.

"how much is this" um ok its labeled. so look at that tag hanging in your hand.

or when they hear the high price they scoff, drop it and run away. sold some junk, bought more junk and now i can sell it to the retards on the www.

some one stole my jacket with spencers ID and my car key. if i would have caught that dilhole i would have strung him up by his balls.

i got a bag, timbuk2 messenger bag, its pink and says Tmobile on it. i bought it used for 20 bucks. i put some parts in it and something jabbed me. like a needle and i was freaking out i thought a needle stabbed me and i had aids.

i dumped it out and my hand was swollen and hurting. i wasp came out and i smashed the bastard.

ya entertaining. i got on the jet plane and its better than driving all night. i left up to lip ring.
while on the plane i wrote the best letter ever. its quality work i can only do while concentrating at the task at hand. 1 hr of r&r while enjoying the flite. it was clear skies and no bumps.

now time to shred the cx tomorrow night.

ATRAIN claims score board but im kickin his ass at the next race so come watch the train wreck.

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