Friday, October 31, 2008
new road bike
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
6:46 PM
ali g takes a commanding lead
i think the voting is rigged
nobody believes in bart anymore??????????????????
or krispy????????????????????
or team rico?????????????????????
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
5:21 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
fund raiser
i need to raise some money for the free 100 bucks 1st lap prime on saturday so go buy this and get a piece of history from the legend
or heres a more sexy legend, the goddess of speed.
bid now and win!
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:12 AM
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
corrected by mother
if you ever wonder where i get some crazy ideas, i learned it from my wise mother.
i was corrected about the democracy, republic.
The problem is that we DO live in a democracy! It's the biggest problem of them all since we were not MEANT to be a democracy; we are a REPUBLIC. Democracy has to do with the military and martial law. That's how years of brainwashing about a "democratic society" taught to us by the lawyers and politicians (who are lawyers) and our so-called "public schools" (which are government schools) has gotten this whole society thinking we are "supposed" to be a democracy!
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
7:02 PM
using your power for good
That's sort of how I'm feeling these days ever since blogging about the (non) distinction between witches and deliberate creators. It led to a fascinating conversation that has me wondering about how our creative power is best used.
Like this afternoon while I was chatting with fabulous fellow coach, Eve Sheldon, I saw my kitty Elsa stalking sparrows and sauntered over to shoo birds to safety. Elsa's displeasure was clear. Five minutes later she had one clenched in her mouth anyway. (Sorry for the swear words, Eve!)
Giving Elsa the evil eye afterwards, I realized, who am I to say birds shouldn't be caught? Is that interfering with the natural order?
Or what about the "unnatural" order? Like when my coworker's grandson was diagnosed with leukemia and everyone joined together to pray for his healing? If it's true that, as suggested by various sources, we each choose our timing and method of exit (on a higher spiritual plane) then should we intend for someone's alternate outcome? Is that, as Byron Katie might say, sticking our nose where it doesn't belong?
Or when Russ is growing irritated that we sleep in separate bedrooms, is it appropriate that I intend he relax and get okay with sleeping alone the rest of his life? Or would it be better to let him be irritated, break up and move on with someone who can sleep next to his side? Or should I intend I get over it?
Or right now - when the garbage truck is pulling up and I check a slight worry that he won't pick up our garbage because it's got window well covers sticking up four feet from the top (?!) - is it appropriate to manifest he takes it even if it might not be best to?
(Maybe all those years of appreciating my garbage man paid off, because he took it.)
And yet - we're creators! That's what we came here for, isn't it?
Or is it?
What about you? Have you ever intended that someone in particular fall head over heels in love with you, or wished your competition for a new job screw up in their interview? Or secretly hoped something bad would happen to the crackhead neighbor living next door? (Oh, that was all me again.)
I guess it becomes a matter of finding our personal comfort level between accepting reality and managing / creating it. Maybe as long as we act with awareness and in alignment with our personal integrity, we're good to go. And maybe I'm making a bigger deal about this than is helpful. (That feels rather true, but I've spent all afternoon on this issue so it's going!)
As far as I can tell, I've got some cleaning up to do. In the meantime, for all the squirrels and birds and deer at risk, I'll follow the lead several blog readers shared and simply intend for "the highest good," release attachment to whatever that looks like, and make peace with squished squirrels and caught birds.
I'm hardly in a position to give advice on this, but I would at least suggest we each get conscious to the creations we're already adding energy to. Lots of us don't realize what we're helping to create (whether it's arguing about politics or gossiping about our sister-in-law - oh gosh, is that me AGAIN?!) - and that certainly isn't what using our power for good looks like, is it?
PS - I may be a big talker, since I just chased the neighbor's cat away from an unsuspecting dove in the front yard. (Sigh.)
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
6:56 PM
free money
looks as if a few big time cx'ers are heading to boulder for some bell ringing action. since i did the drive last week i dont feel like going again. I80 is the way. 6 hrs to boulder. not bad, but im going to RMR/wheeler this weekend with the tecno and the cash.
no lie, first lap winner gets a benjamin, but you have to grab it.
if you miss then the next guy gets it.
so not only do you have to drop bart and ali for the 1st lap you have to not be pinned enough to miss the grab.
100 bux, plus 100 in gee dubs for the rest of the day.
come score the cash and get paid
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
6:20 PM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
dont vote
next week.. dont bother, the elections are fixed, just like pro sports and your vote doesnt count.
mccains crooked chronies (bushs rich wall street brethren) will steal this election like they did the last 2.
dont fool yourself, your vote doesnt count. its the blind leading the blind.
electronic voting machines?? pleeeeeez
just as easy to rig as the slots in vegas.
but still the people line up to lose, (like me)
so 7 days to armageddon
we dont live in a democracy so wake up!!!
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:33 AM
Monday, October 27, 2008
i dont have any friends
saw my old pal jb at the veloswap, we used to hit the norba tour back in 94 on the nuke proof.
he lives in the boulder area, so i see him walking around and we can remember the trouble we caused in vermont with the po po back in the day.
if youre on facebook and trying to find me its under sly fox so hook it up
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:18 AM
Sunday, October 26, 2008
woke up about noon
RIP, my homey easy motha phukkin E.
lets go to cabo, in jan. should be warm and sunny. i need to hit la playa.
get a plane ticket and $200 bucks each should cover this sweet condo for a week.
its not mine, but if 3 of you want to go i'll throw down.
check out the video from my homey easy E.
if you are offended by swear words dont play the video.
XXX rated
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
8:26 AM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
buy low sell high
the line to get in is like 10 blocks long, but i dont wait in lines.
i get in the day before, buy it all, then get in at 6am, 3 hrs before the masses.
by the time these guys are in, im done and have scored all the sweet deals.
this girl thinks its fun to sit in a car for 2 days then walk around carrying loads of dirty cog sets.
look how happy she is, all i did was buy her a cheese burger with fries if you dont know what this is then youre not really a biker
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
7:20 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
12:20 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
the world is my toilet
some roadie playin pocket pool at the zoo
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:19 PM
vote on your december 6th race venue
wheeler is the best
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
2:29 PM
Monday, October 20, 2008
my fridge for sale on craigslist
ryan ash master is putting in my pergo floor. if you need a handy man call him.
expert rider at team revolution, ripping it up at moab 24 seen here on the dh
got 3rd in expert by 12 seconds
go turd ferguson
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
5:54 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
pics from
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
11:39 AM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
watch and learn
heres one of me in 2006 at wheeler

out at the race today it was 75 and sunny. dusty even.
if you want to learn how to jump barriers watch bart, this 24 incher single was a monster and even ali g tried it once.
i dont usually want to race anymore, but today i was missing out. the course was flat with lots of twisty flowy trail, with a few single barrier dismounts which are easy to jump. thats if you know how.
jumping anything under 14" or so seems easy, but to the rest who cant or dont know how its easier than it looks.
its about timing and doesnt usually take a lot of strength. you just need to commit and know you can make it.
now before you try jumping your curb and smashing your rear wheel into an egg, there are a few things you need to practice.
mostly your timing, this depends on your speed, if you are going slow then its front wheel first then kick the back up with your pedals. since your clipped in, this means just yanking up on your pedals.
hard to explain, easier to show, and do.
if you have speed you can bunny hop both at the same time and its an instant 2 wheel launch and landing.
watching most today smash their rear wheel into the log made me cringe and realize how many people dont have a clue how to pick their back wheel up even for small obstacles like a 6" log.
im not trying to make everyone feel bad, or sound like im cool. even known i am., thats another topic.
but to see a lot of racers just smash their equipment, or just creep over the log and lose so much speed just bothers me for some reason.
if you guys, like kelly glen, want to learn how to hop stuff email me or bart and i will show you. its takes practice like everything else but when you get it down you will save your heart rate spiking into the red with dismounts and make it look easy like bart.
ali and jj

its hard to tell sometimes if guys are going hard, like today bart was sitting in and his head wasnt cocked side ways, when you seem him suffering just look for the head tilt, like this one.
that means hes going in the red zone.
but today he could get gaps over krispy in the turns and hopping these 2 logs, since the finish was near the jump it looked like an easy win, a flat course with long straight aways fit for any roadie.
but it looked easy, as the fast guys make it look easy. when you feel good and heart rate is low at speed you can haul ass, sit in and pick your corners to throttle it out of.
it was a close finish between the 2, third and everyone else were miles behind.
1 bart
2 krispy
3 jj clark
4 robby s
5 connor O
im not sure of the 4-5, i wasnt paying attention at the finish.
lots of flats and mechanicals also, sucks to see fast guys at the start finish way down because of chain problems and flats.
thats easy stuff to fix, fitness and luck is hard to come by.
if anyone knows ken stryka chord tell him to email me, i need his wheelset thats for sale.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
5:32 PM
zander cage
i was reminded of my all time fave movie the other night when it was on tv.
the most kick ass movie ever made XXX
watch the clip and the sweet soundtrack
xXx Xander Cage is an extreme sports athelete recruited by the government on a special mission.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:32 AM
Friday, October 17, 2008
i've said everything that needs to be said, i've been doing house work and yard work, and real work.
come tomorrow if you want some free money. 70 and sunny.
its so nice it will make team rico cry
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
2:30 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
atrains favorite music
he sings this, but doesnt want anyone to know.
its his theme song
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
12:04 AM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
6:24 PM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
trexlertown pa
maybe its the weather, or probly not. swapping is at the all time high in east PA.
home of marty nothstein and erin hartwell, we hooked up some sweet ass deals in the farm land today. it was a fruitful day. now im tired, up at 3am mst. 1.5 hrs east of the big city is a small country town loaded with bike tards and tons of bike crap. if i wasnt limited by transport and money, i could spend 20 grand. easy.
a few deals of the day
30 pairs of sidi genius 5's for $60 each (new)
speedplay x1 titanium pedals $10 (used)
speedplay titanium frogs $20 (new)
20 dura ace 10 speed cogsets $10 each (used)
2 bobby julich used skin suits $40 with signed bobby poster
well of course i got way more than that, i just dont want to list it all.
that didnt take long to blow through my wad, the drive back was nice. then i hit the hay.
dale was at the patagonia outlet in newark yesterday and bought $180,000 retail worth of clothing for $20,000.
seems someone needs to liquidate.
i wonder who won in heber
and to watch team mona vie rip it up in heber with 2 new team mates
for live updates all night
bart g and alex g throwin it down in the wind storm, or causing it.
im west bound a.m.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
1:06 PM
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
its all good in the hood
we got to the big city on a new 767 with tv's in the back of each head rest, non stop slc to nyc in under 4 hrs.
thats pretty sweet considering is took 3 months with a horse and wagon back in the 1800's. non stops are the way to go.
once off the air train at jfk we got the fly rental car and hit the belt way to staten island, traffic wasnt bad and the skies are clear with a 70 degree breeze blowing over the verrazano bridge is the gate way to the nyc harbor.
tomorrow i have high level meetings with trump, and maybe we will meet up with bike snob and get on cash cab
but the best part of the day was givin a shout out to a black lady like this at the hotel lobby with a "its all good in the hood" t shirt.
she was workin it and i had to say something.
sunny and 70's for the weekend.
i have to say i wont be missing the rain and snow in heber sunday.
good luck to dr x, hes gettin a few votes for the W.
more than chris p.
nobody has faith in the porc, team rico going for the win in the 30 degree mud fest.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
9:15 PM
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
fox pays gould
i never saw her blog before
bobby sent me this
get paid
race cross
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
7:52 PM
cut the goat cross
2008 Cutthroat Cross
When: Sunday November 16th 2008
Where: Hunter Park, 3600 South 6000 West, West Valley
City (Parking on 3500 South side of park)
Cost: $15, Day of Registration Only
Directions: Highway 201 Westbound, left on 56th West, right on
3500 South, Hunter Park on the left
Schedule: Mass start for each group
10:30am “C” Juniors, Beginner Women, Sufferin’ Men (30 Min)
11:15am “B” A & B Women, Slower Men (45 Min)
12:30pm “A” A & B Men, Superfly Women (60 Min)
You choose your category, but here’s your chance to STEP IT UP.
Raffle Prizes for All !!! Cash payback for the A group.
Come check out a great new venue!!!
note: Not a series race
For More Information:
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
3:28 PM
east bound
big city
snow is coming sat for rico, heber, rain, mud, snow. you sick dog.
i hope it rains on moab too. 2006 floods are coming.
bring the thunder, pain and rain
and snow
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:50 AM
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
check out the new cyclocross website, pick your fave cx'er
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:48 PM
i've been doing some urban assault
this guy has a sweet trail down the side of his house
did you know sore muscles after strenuous excersize are caused by lack of calcium, take over 1500mg a day and see the difference. take the right kind of calcium with magnesium.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:25 AM
Monday, October 06, 2008
Sunday, October 05, 2008
i lifted 20,000 pounds today
10hrs later im blown but done. why do girls have so much crap, holy hell.
check out the free cash on wolfs blog, come in 2 weeks to cx race #3 and i will be sponsoring racers with $1 primes.
first lap winner gets 20 bones.
if i was rich i would hand out 100 benjamins per race instead of dollars.
that would be sweet, race and get a 100 bucks from a rich dude.
chippo would be rich too cuz the whole city would race for a lap and get paid.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
8:22 PM
Kimbo TKOd by no-name in 14 seconds
Heavyweights: Seth Petruzelli (11-4) def. Kimbo Slice (3-1)
How: Ref stoppage in 14 seconds
Turning point: Petruzelli dropped Slice immediately with a jab and pummeled him with punch after punch until ref Troy Waugh stopped it.
Analysis: The ramifications here are numerous. Even if the television rating is big, the goose that laid the golden egg was exposed by a fighter who previously was known only to the most hardcore fans. In the long run, that is devastating to the company and for MMA on CBS. The future is very much up in the air.
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
4:00 PM
Saturday, October 04, 2008
let the husla sell you some skills
ok, i copied that.
so watch these
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:46 PM
rain mud and cowbell, the dark horse pulls through for mona vie
my top 3 got blown out of the water with the rain, mud and thorns. ali g broke his bike on lap 2, bart flatted his tires and legs, peterstak was hangin tough with 2 to go and mitchel blew his doors off on the dh. wow that was something i thought i would never say...
anyhow if you get dropped by mitch on the dh then you need some serious work on the off camber muddy turns.
no offense mitch, you dropped the hammer.
check out the poll, only 2 people picked the dark horse for the win. its a crap shoot and its not a science. but i am surprised at krispy's mud riding skills.
top 6 today in the mud bowl horse station draper utah cx #1
1 mitchel
2 peterstaks
3 reed w.
4 team rico
5 alex g
6 bart
i didnt get any pics, i was too busy pumping tecno and handing out money.
too bad i wont be here next week, were off for an east coast swing to get my scalpel back.
see ya in 2 weeks, with more tecno and more cash.
utah cx home page, results, sked and old out dated pics
Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
3:13 PM
armin van buuren in park city
gardie aka francis, was in bed at 10pm, i bet so was atrain. you have to be proud of francis, he is hoping to bring his A game to the announcer stage tomorrow at cx.
they didnt want to rock out with the best dj in the world. he was in pc last night and rocked the house. holy sheeeeeeeeeeeeeett he can work it.
check out the sweet video

Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
1:52 AM
Friday, October 03, 2008
beat a dead beat horse
mike wolf found this on 4th east 17th south
while the masses are entertained by dog and pony shows, watching presidential debates, vice debates, here say, i'll do this and that elect me bullshit, paris and britney, the bush administration is up to real issues. but you wont see this on tv, its secret and they wont tell you want youre not supposed to hear.
so we'll scare the shit out of you with doomsday topics, like wmd's and market collapse scenarios.
give us our 900 trillion before we have to leave in 3 months or the world will end.
who believes this crap, sorry to say most of you do.

Posted by
primetime formerly known as slyfox
10:33 AM