this one girl from idaho, heather holmes
she likes to clean the air, she tests the filters for pollution and stuff. i wont go into the details.
a fast girl with a passion for living green and ripping the trail.
maybe you have seen her in the red kit that says kenda, she doesnt race much around here anymore, shes rollin the pro life style at the big races. so if you see jen hanks, kc holley, kathy and heather pass you on the rail dont be mad cuz all of them can rip it. but shes the one with the long braided pony tail.
recently heather got 19th at the pro deer valley norba and thats where i caught up with her, although she lives 5 blocks from me, she never calls me back. boooooooooo
1 How do you feel about women's liberation?
I feel women's liberation is important. I think everyone on this earth should be treated as equals regardless of skin color, gender, religious belief, etc. For me personally I have had a lot of opportunities that wouldn't have been available for a female in the US prior to the feminist rights movement. I am very fortunate that women in this country started fighting for equal opportunities prior to me being born. There are many countries where women don't have these opportunities and don't get to choose how they want to live their life.
2. what would you do with 2 million lottery win
I would use 1 1/2 million to do an air quality study here in SLC, and the rest to travel for a year and buy a house.
3. How do you respond to authority?
I back down big time. I'm a very non confrontational person and I don't like to get into trouble, it scares me.
4. How do you define sexual harassment?
I'd have to say I'm probably more lenient about this than most people. I have spent a lot of time around dudes and can usually tell when they are just joking around, so I let a lot of the verbal harassment slide. I guess I draw the line at inappropriate touching, unwanted communication via phone or email and unwelcomed visits to my home.
5. if you were stuck on an island forever with all the food and water what 5 things would you take
A hammock, journal to write in, box of pens, a book about Buddhism and if there's a surf break surfing gear, if not snorkeling equipment.
6. who's your favorite biker in utah
I'd have to say Tiffany Pezzulo. I did my first crit with her in New Mexico three years ago and she was a blast to race with! She's strong, really smart and she races all types of bikes!!!
7. how is the pro racer life style?
Well, it was really busy for me in March and April because I was taking three classes and doing research toward my PhD. Now that it's summer and I'm not enrolled in classes it's been great! My teammates are a blast and it's fun to have people to stay with at the races and go out with on Sunday after the racing is done. I think one of the best parts is having help when I go to races, if anything goes wrong with my bike I don't have to worry about it getting fixed in time and I have people doing my feeds for me so I don't have to lug around 10 waters bottles during the race : )