Wednesday, June 20, 2007

160 rotor kitty


Unknown said...

Sorry, this isn't a comment on the cat or the rotor, although both are nice.

My name is Kevin Wilde, I know you from cross races last year, but I'm not sure we've ever met. I work with Rico at Specialized too (just to name drop).

I'm writing to request your help. You might have heard the story about the SLC man who was intentionally hit and almost killed by a delivery man Saturday night. Marty Kastelar, the victim, introduced me to mountain biking when I was 16 and has been my best friend ever since. Not only was he my best-man at my wedding, but he's my main riding buddy and might not ever be able to ride again.

I'm trying to get as much information out there as I can to make sure the guy who did this to him is caught and charged for this crime. Could you post something on your blog and get the word out that one of the cycling communities best needs our help.

E-mail me back at and I'll give you all the links.

Thanks for your help,


Grizzly Adam said...

I read up on that story--pretty crappy.

I was wondering if the truck was a commercial truck? if so, then the company should know who was driving that truck at that time.

Unknown said...

No labels on the side of the truck. Just white. It's got a broken right mirror and some under carraige damage from hitting the railing after he colided with my friend. check out some pics at there's also some links to the news stories there.


Mistress Julie said...

Hey Kevin,

I posted some info on my blog:

Let me know how I can help besides donating money toward his hospital bill and getting the word out. Marty is one of my favorites.


primetime formerly known as slyfox said... by brother is on that site all the time. i wonder if marty knows him.

i know about the story and i will post anything cuz i would like to see the road rage killer caught and sent to prison for 100 years.

Unknown said...

Thanks Julie. I'll respond to you on your blog.

Sly, is run by one of Marty's best friends, Kenny. I've spoken with Kenny and know he won't mind if you copy and paste photos that he has taken of the crime scene and a look alike van. Like Julie, you can post a link to the KUTV 2 news or Fox News story, they've done the best job of covering this whole thing.

It would be cool if you could at least post these links with a breif re-cap of what has happened for those that haven't heard it yet.

Thank you for your help.