Thursday, June 07, 2007

meet the fastest guy who doesnt race

used to work at guthries, now works at canyon draper. works on bikes, knows bikes, fixes them, rides them. trains with stormin so they rip it up. puts in big hours, runs some but this kid never races. he did a few rmr's and won b pack. come on and race mtn, road or cx. he can drop me when ever he wants its too bad, he could win a lot of races.

its ok to be a free rider or free roadie. who ever trains with stormin needs to light it up with the wannabe pros.

1 why race or ride, or go fast, ok so you did a few rmr's

It's our nature. The urge to excel is something that stimulate evolution. Cyclist are just a special breed that use pain as the measuring stick of success. Plus it's fucking fun.

2 whats the dream job
I used to think owning a bike shop; but every owner I've ever known is freaky stressed. Mike Pratt actually enjoys the life it seems, but he doesn't have any time.
3 what if you died tomorrow
That would suck.

4 tell us about the guy who blew his brains out in your house
Kind of a sad story. I rent to guys that keep to themselves and are low maintenance. That means I rent to borderline psycho's-not too unlike myself. This one guy was in his 40's doing temp labor work. He lost that job because he was late too many times. He decided to pout and hate "the system" instead of finding more work. It got to the point where I would come home from work and find him drunk and obnoxious to passers-by on my porch. I had a talk with him and asked him to assess his life and make a plan. I always try to work with these guys and help them find their feet. His answer was to off himself. When the cops came, they took the body proper-but left a lot of anatomical...uh, scraps. Crime scene clean up is not a public service. It would have cost me $1100 to have them do it. So Sean and I decided to revist the cadaver lab days and clean it up. Thanks Sean. (note to Fox: That is my only roommate to off himself in my presence either.)
5 philosophy of dating, and... what do you tell the chicks that keep begging to go out with you.
I suck. I haven't had one relationship last longer than 3 months-always me that ends it. Self-sabotage or something. To get the girls I just say, "I know SlyFox, and the panties drop."

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