i have never been to the pain cave like today, never had such mental battles and physical barriers to over come in a race than today.
im glad im alive to write this. i was so blown today i could barely ride the last lap. 10 miles around the rocky dusty hot loop in the pc valley.
ya i did 7 laps in in just under 6 hrs. pinned it the whole way in the big ring for 5 hrs then crumbled when the chips were on the line and lost the race by 3 mins. i have not been in so much pain for a long time. zep did 7 laps in 6 hrs so we were in a dog fight all day.
why so much hassle, well heres my theory. heat, dehydration, i wasnt going so good to begin with but pinned it for 4 hrs and paid for it later. riding big ring all day, not eating.running in road shoes for the mile lemans start, sleeping 2 hrs last night, just to name a few. ya lots of excuses, and i felt it big time at 2pm.
i have been done for a few hours and still feel like hell. i cant imagine how the other feel. like the solos, brad pilling who ripped 12 laps, rich 11 laps, many others who rode all day in heat and put 50 miles on me. i dont know how they do it and i dont want to try.
adam lisonbee got hauled off to the hospital with heat stroke, i hope hes ok. im still in pc and i need sleepy and food. this is a semi hypo glycemic post so maybe more tomorrow when im normal.
bike racing is gay

here is bobby and hot carl, pit zone tech guys from revolution
Daaaaaamn sly. It was hot as hades 2 years ago as well. Both years I've done that race it left me smoked for 2 weeks - be good to yourself for a bit.
Adam with heat stroke? Argh, hope he's ok.
you missed out on the fun.
rip it up north
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