tour de satan
tour de satan is a bike bar tour in downtown slc. it goes to a few bars and all the lushs get wasted. i go to win the crit in the kinkos dh parking lot. bring cruisers.
meet at 8pm sat night may 31 at grand america hotel. 650s. main. its that big ass hotel that presidents stay at.
in the lobby at the bar. park your bikes out front. bring a lock and meet inside.
then we go to a few bars on state ending up at the hotel.
if you dont get wasted, like me. then come drink cokes and watch atrain get wasted and then watch chucky crash the one-y into a car. anyone who is 21 can come. just show up.
brad k and kenny should come.
master bates calls it the tour de satan. going back to the days of wild rose in 1991.
complete with a temple reflecting pond crit and midnight hobo bashing.
the guys who sleep on the temple grounds on the side walk get bunny hopped.
heres this guy i met in australia. he has more tools in his shop than 20 shops here in slc.
a true tool squeezer.
i think to be called a true tour de satan you(sly) have to drink and start at the rose. if you win the crit and you're not drunk you haven't won anything
I heard about one time, when it still left the Rose, that Tony got tackled off his bike by the goons at the plaza. The LDS secret service.
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